Young Hungarian From Cluj-Napoca Named Among the World's Best Sports Photographers


„Like a family”. The image selected by the international jury captures the shared joy of Cluj-Napoca’s CFR players and fans after scoring a goal

Fotó: Horváth Tamás

Tamás Horváth, aged 18, from Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár), has been included in the list of the best sports photographers in the world, after his work was selected for the longlist in the Sport Media Awards contest run by the International Sports Press Association (AIPS). The talented student told Krónika that participating in the competition is a huge opportunity for him to learn and develop professionally.

Deák Szidónia

2025. március 25., 21:072025. március 25., 21:07

2025. március 26., 06:022025. március 26., 06:02

It is a great honor for the János Zsigmond Unitarian High School from Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár) 12th year student to be included in the longlist for the Photography Sport Action category of the prestigious Sport Media Awards; the winners will be announced in May by the International Association of Sports Journalists (AIPS). „It is a major source of recognition for me to be included in the elite of sports photography, among the big names. Sports photography is my passion, and I try to tell a story through each frame that reaches the audience in a unique way,” Tamás Horváth told our newspaper.

A „human dimension” through images

Tamás Horváth, the student from Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár), told Krónika that the photo was taken at the match between the two big rival teams of the Romanian football championship, CFR from Cluj-Napoca and FCSB from Bucharest. „The photo brings to life the moment when CFR scored a goal on their home field, and captures the connection between the players and the fans – the shared joy of scoring a goal. That is why I gave the work the title, ‘Like a family’,” said Tamás Horváth.

Cluj-Napoca Galéria

High school student Tamás Horváth is the youngest member of the International Sports Press Association (AIPS)

Fotó: Horváth Tamás

He added that, for the past two years, he has been the youngest member of the International Association of Sports Journalists. Last year he entered the Sport Media Awards competition as well, and his photo was included in the long-list of the under-30 group, which is why he decided to try his hand at the so-called “difficult” category this year. A total of 2,065 photos from 133 countries were submitted to this year’s competition, and the 40-member jury nominated his photo for the long-list because it

„captures the emotional connection between athletes, which gives a human dimension to the match.”

At the awards ceremony, the selected photos are evaluated not only for their technical quality, but also for how they capture defining moments in the world of sports. The AIPS annual international competition honors excellence in sports journalism. The competition has several categories, including sports photography, written journalism, and multimedia. The competition is also an important platform for promoting the best professionals in sports journalism and photography.

Cluj-Napoca Galéria

According to Tamás Horváth, in many cases the circumstances determine whether it is difficult or not to capture a moment

Fotó: Horváth Tamás

The Cluj-Napoca student photographs professionals as well as his friends playing sports
Tamás Horváth told Krónika that photography is an old passion of his: he was gifted his first camera from his grandfather, and his enthusiasm has remained unwavering ever since. He also enjoys playing sports – especially football – so sports photography is the perfect combination of his two hobbies.

„I have been photographing sports since I was fifteen. First, I photographed my friends playing sports, who played for one of the teams, and then I had the opportunity to capture moments at professional matches,”

said the student who graduated high school this year. He recalled that one of his favorite pieces -- which won him the jury's outstanding award at the Sibiu international photography contest -- was taken in July 2022 at a CFR-Rapid football match, with Mario Camora, the Portuguese captain of CFR, pictured.

Cluj-Napoca Galéria

Tamás Horváth, a student from Cluj-Napoca, captures the moments during matches in a unique way

Fotó: Horváth Tamás

„In sports photography, the moment cannot be replayed”

When asked what he thinks makes a sports photo good, Tamás said: for him, sports photography is not only about capturing specific actions, but also about displaying context, understanding emotions and relationships between people. A sports photo has to tell a story.

The best photos are those that show the athlete's emotions, passion, and happiness. In sports photography, you can't bring back the moment, that's why it's special to me,”

the 12th-grader explained. He pointed out that the real challenge doesn't come from taking the photo, but in many cases the circumstances: heavy rain, cold, or snowfall can all determine whether it's difficult or not to capture a given moment.

Cluj-Napoca Galéria

Tamás Horváth's sports photo – featuring Mario Camora, the Portuguese captain of the CFR team – won a special prize at the Sibenik International Photo Salon competition

Fotó: Horváth Tamás

Regarding his future plans, Tamás Horváth said that he would like photography to have a place in his life, so after graduating, he plans to continue his studies in photography at the University of Arts and Design (UAD) n Cluj-Napoca. But his plans also include completing a sports management course in Switzerland in addition to university.

korábban írtuk

A világ legjobb sportfotósai közé jutott egy kolozsvári magyar diák
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